Dear buyer, if you think the shipping fee is too expensive, please don’t doubt the quality of our bags. The quality of our bags is really good. We just add the cost of making bags to the shipping fee, so it shows that the bags are cheap, but the freight is expensive. In fact, the bags are more expensive than the freight. Thank you for your understanding, happy shopping.
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If you have any question, welcome to contact us. We are committed to your 100% customer satisfaction.
Please give us the opportunity to solve any problem.We understand the concerns and frustrations you might have and will try our best to solve the issues.
Shipping Terms:
Shipping Time: All items will be shipped out within 3 business days upon receipt of payment.You will be notified by email with the tracking number after your package has been shipped out.
Package: All items are professionally packed
care to ensure safe delivery
Leave your feedbacks
1. If you get and like our items,the positive feeback is greatly appreciated and thanks for your support.
2. Please contact us before you leaving the negative or neutral,rest assured that we solve the problem in the best way.
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